I’ve been this way since long before any onset of schizophrenia. Different ideas that are not necessarily related to anything going on just happen in my mind at random. I used to like to share these ideas for fun, and numerous people would tell me I’m the randomest guy they know. Anyone else been this way?
Yea I have this. Its called disorganized thought, a thought disorder common in schizophrenia.
Its part of the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. For some its so severe that they can’t talk, write or communicate clearly, thay make a word salad we say. Some also talk to themeselves, their body parts and to objects like walls. I had 2 schizophrenic friends who are like that. They’re completely out of reality even with meds.
i used to have it, would have racing thoughts and would get on different unrelated tangents one sentence after the other. could never really have a conversation without expressing random thoughts that i thought were related. that has gone away more or less with meds, as my mind is slowed down and i focus on one topic.
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