Weird negative symptoms? Or what

I am having a lot of like jitteriness and nervous energy so I am having trouble working and keeping focus. Its so distracting I constantly feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

It feels like akathesia from going on abilify, but that was awhile ago, havent had a med change in over 2 months and this is happening now.

It happens sometimes randomly. Idk its like bad ADHD but cyclical. Super weird. Anyone heard of anything like that?

It doesn’t sound like a negative symptom of schizophrenia. Possibly, it’s an anxiety disorder.



How’s your caffeine consumption, @zwolfgang?

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That’s probably what it is. I had to start taking a benzo clonazepam about 2 months after taking abilify.

I’m off the benzo now and using supplements to keep the anxiety at bay.

But definitely cut out coffee as suggested by @Schztuna .


Thanks all

I def have an anxiety disorder of some kind, probably social anxiety tho I do have some general anxiety symptoms @schizornot so maybe, idk. Ill ask the pdoc next time

@Schztuna I didnt drink any coffee today until just now. I do drink it a lot though on days I go into work instead of from home

@everhopeful I think you have the most likely one, maybe latent abilify side effects. I will ask about maybe going on cogentin again, it helped last time. I dont think they will give me a benzo as sadly I am an addict lol

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Ah, gotcha. I was thinking it could be the caffeine jitters.

Akathesia is rough, @zwolfgang. Hope the cogentin helps :sunny:

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I dont blame you, it really does feel like I chugged a few monsters and now Im wired lol

Yeah it can be awful but thankfully this is very mild. When I first went on abilify I was incredibly uncomfortable all the time and had massive insomnia, didnt sleep for 2 or sometimes 3 days at a time

This is cake compared to that at least. Thanks for the well wishes!

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Its the reason I increased my risperdal from 4 to 6mg. Now its gone. Not sure what to call it but it feels like mania for me.

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Akathisia for me was more a movement disorder where I moved my limbs constantly uncontrollably and therefore couldnt sleep.

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For me I was also more irritable when this nervous energy happened. Not sure if its a sz or mania symptom but for sure the med increase stopped it.

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Interesting. Maybe I should go up on the tercian then (its my 2nd ap) maybe that will help counteract it

Thanks @Aziz

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Akathesia in my experience can feel like nervous energy where you gotta do something. It went away with a med change, and a supplemental anti side effect drug added to my meds

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Definitely, I gotta do something constantly but I can never focus on what Im doing so 5 mins later switch to something else. It always surprises me how hard it is to be up like this

Def a med change in the future, thanks @Ryanana

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