Honestly I can’t figure out what’s going on anymore it’s all gone to ■■■■. I keep switching between feeling decent and then being overwhelmed by shifty circumstances and feeling like crap again. Is it me or is it my circumstances. Can’t figure it out. I think it may be the abilify acting as a mood stabilizer… Which I don’t need. I’m straight sz. No bipolar in me.
Enjoy your life!
What does that even mean bro, perfect example of shadows coming out the woodwork
I feel like this too. I think the problem is stress, not sure if that’s the problem for you? Since being on Abilify I get pretty bad anxiety/paranoia and things that happen make me swing from one extreme to the other. It’s really frustrating.
My doc is now doing a combo but I cannot see being on Abilify long-term now. He reduced it to 20mg yesterday, but not sure how long it will take to make a difference.
Are you only sz? It’s definitely stress. But I am unable to cope with it.
I have been at breaking point for a couple of weeks now, and had an emergency appointment with the doc to sort it out.
I am not very happy about this as it started off so well on abilify, but the anxiety etc just got worse and worse.
Yeah I think it might have something to do with the drug acting as a mood stabilizer. What I’m going on is that they tried giving me something like that in the hospital and it made me even more crazy.
Enjoy Bro! 1515
Lol Plato your a phantom
Plato, is there a good reason that you’re responding to people like this? Surely you’re aware that random, non-sequitur replies can upset people and make them anxious or paranoid.
Yes there is reason! It’s how I feel. Maybe I am too out of control for this forum.
You’ve been a little wild lately. Are you certain that your med changes are working out the way you’d hoped?
I have no choice but to take a lower dose! Down to 300mg, minimum dose. A 25% reduction. I think not much dopamine is blocked!
Maybe I should find another past time instead of forum!
I’m not asking you to leave. I’m just asking you to consider your actions based on the well-being of yourself and those around you.
You might be right. The lowered dose has only little effect on you.
I’m not increasing it again! The side effects are too bad! It was either reduce it or stop it completely!
Ok take care of you. I’m going to pdoc in half hour. ️
Thanks for not busting my ass over it.
I only sent you a single PM asking you about your crazy jokes. That’s all
Thanks Flag! 1515
It’s a personal thing!