Woo hoo, that’s what I always thought
It’s known that marijuana doesn’t cause schizophrenia it’s been known for a while It causes people who are already at risk of developing sz to develop it. You have to have the genes for it first. People without those genes can safely smoke it.
I still think that sz people just like to smoke it
Well substance abuse is WAY higher among people w mental illness. Self medication woo. Never ends well.
Weed always made me a little more trippy. I never liked the way it made me feel, even though I smoked a fair amount of it. Some guys just love weed. They can’t get enough of it.
I used to love weed. But it’s illegality where I lived clashed with my paranoia and made smoking it a negative exercise. If it were legal here I might smoke again.
yea I think weve had this debate before… I think I sided with it may not cause sz but it can sure bring out the darker things at a higher rate in sz than in the normal pop…
How can you check your genes?
it doesn’t cause it but can trigger it if you have the right genes and it also makes it worse for most that already have it
That’s sort of impossible with what we know in science right now. We know some mutations associated w sz but not every single variant that could lead to it or psychosis.
It’s kinda funny how this topic comes up a lot. LoL.
While I was reading this I was eating nachos and looking at my black-light posters.
Cute post …I never had schizophrenia til I started smoking weed it has changed the chemical make up of my brain. Now every time I do it i get every symptom …not high I have delusions still but not all the other horrid symptoms.
According to CNN 12.5% adults smoke weed. If weed caused schizophrenia schizophrenia would be as common as grass.
It’s pretty clear though that weed can trigger schizophrenia, presumably if you have the genes for it.
That’s right, @Anna. This doesn’t change anything. For those that are prone to psychosis, marijuana can be a catalyst.
Yes exactly and marijuana aggravates the symptoms of people who already have psychosis. It drives me crazy when people try to say it doesn’t do that for them. That statement is as ridiculous as saying “I’m diabetic but I still eat large amounts of sugar because it actually HELPS my diabetes I’m not like all the other diabetics, it doesn’t affect me badly.”
That’s how silly they sound.
that’s a bit of a stretch comparison… I can smoke aslong as im not paranoid before I do it as it only further enhances the paranoia… but it curbs my anxiety enhances my appetite and helps me pass out… aslong as I don’t do it daily and the thc content isn’t ridiculous I have almost zero problems from it…
I must have the anti-weed gene that prevents me from liking the smell so much I’d never willingly touch the crap.
Oh, if you want to check your genes to see if you have the Sz gene, it’s simple.
- Look down and pull all the stuff out of your jeans pockets with both hands.
- Consider the items on a scale of usefulness:
+1 point, if you can actually use it, ie. money, screws, hair bands, keys, wire ties…
-1 point, if its only use is
a) Shiny,
b) proof of something you believe, saved for your final day of justice.
c) something broken you found on the floor-but you’re going to make something-like art- with it…
Count up your points.
Anything more than +1, you don’t have the gene, probably…check again in a few days.
Anything lower than
-1, possibly.
-5, more than likely.
-10, if you can even get this far…why are you looking here, you already know the answer.
When I smoked Weed I really enjoyed it.
This was during my college years.
I remember sitting in a circle with a group of students.
It was Hash and all it did was put me in a Happy mood - I kept on laughing for Hours.
The following day I felt a bit paranoid and out of sorts, but nothing too bad.
I couldn’t smoke it now, it would make me too paranoid - I’m in a lot worse shape today.
My first time smoking hashish was at age 13. My neighbor friend was a bit older than me, and we sat down the street from our houses, right out front on the sidewalk and lit up.
Not one person driving by or in the houses gave a crap.
Typical for our town back in 1978.