My husband just spiked another fever he was just starting to feel better too. I’m still sick too but no fever.
Some (((hugs))) for you both as well.
Thanks @shutterbug. My stepdaughter’s mom is insisting we let her back in our house even though we’re sick. She just got better herself. We’re worried she’ll get it again. The whole ordeal is so stupid.
Pro-tip: As an adult you can ignore dumb and annoying people.
That tip would work if I had a say in the matter but I don’t. In the end, my husband agreed to have her here. I disagree with the decision but she’s not my flesh and blood and I have no say in it. My own daughter who is suffering with crippling ptsd is not here because I explained we are sick. So my daughter is at her dads. That’s the best I can do
It’s almost been 16 days since me and my father got sick.
We are both still feeling out of sorts.
My father still has congestion and an awful cough although he’s getting better.
That is really bad, what does the doctor say to get better ?
I got a lungdisease and my doctor tells me for the last 16 years to quit smoking. I have to take even more heavy medication now. Quitting smoking is easier said than done. I had a psychiatrist recently specialising in addiction. He put me in the right direction. I smoked for over 35 years, but I am quitting, it’s a matter of time. I am in the process. I got all my vaccinations. Every year I take a flu vaccination. I am such a good citizen .
Oh gosh I hope you guys are feeling better today… Did his fever ever break?
quitting smoking is easier said than done, true!
@LilyoftheValley I hope you guys are okay today
I hope you all get better soon. I just had my booster today and hope to dodge the bullet.
Hope you guys get over it soon. COVID is no fun.
I hope you and your dad feel better soon @Wave
Thanks @LilyoftheValley
I wish the same for you and your husband
All we can do is rest and fluids. Thanks @anon53623539
Yes, it broke. Luckily. But he feels terrible
Thanks @anon4362788
@LilyoftheValley at least it broke I’m sorry he isn’t feeling good hope y’all feel better soon
Thanks @Twialine. 15151515
Hope you feel better soon. We just had covid as well. It’s gone now. Hope it never returns.