“We know very well now that the brain is plastic and changes over time, but we didn’t know if this could happen as a repairing mechanism or a compensatory mechanism in schizophrenia,”

the improvement in brain tissue in these patients does not directly relate to getting better in terms of symptoms

Palaniyappan and his colleagues wondered whether there might be “something happening in the brain [that] helps them come to a state of stability.”

MRI scans to assess the cortical thickness of 98 schizophrenia patients

Some brain regions are regaining or normalizing while other brain regions continue to show deficits

But we never used to think that the schizophrenic brain can recover,” he says. “[Our study] is an indication the brain is making some attempts, with help or without help.”


Well if you look at john nash he lead a productive life without medication, so that suggests that he got better over time


I can’t understand the article 100%, but if I understood right, it seems that Sz is a different type of illness from Alzheimer’s because their brains do not degenerate completely. :blush:

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I thought this was the biggest takeaway to me. Scientists didn’t know this before. Even if the whole brain isn’t improving it shows parts of it are. Yet you can’t tell anything when it changes on an MRI, tissue wise.

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