Does Schizophrenia Show on a Brain Scan?

So, if an MRI doesn’t show these specific changes, does the person really have sz or sza?

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I believe @Mountainman got to be in a similar study once, right?

My MRI showed the gray matter loss, but it grew back after a few years. Or, more likely, it stopped and I continued to age to a point where the level of loss I had was normal.


When they do an MRI they don’t check for this. I had three of them and asked every time.

They are looking for physical causes of your symptoms.

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I was part of a research study once and I had a few MRIs done as a part of it and they said that everything looked fine

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I had a couple MRI"S. They always came back normal…I think anyway. No one ever said they were abnormal.

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My brain was scanned on first admittance. It just rules out a tumor or some other sciency brain thing that could cause unusual behavior.

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