Waste of time

You’re not someone I’ll be taking advice from. Your advice is not useful.

Sure you’re not.

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Ok fair enuff

I wasn’t expecting u to heed to my advice

It’s better to have a diverse support system, as not each one can help in every instance that you need it

This forum for example you can get pretty much 24/7 support if you’re going through something, or just have a question that only other people with MI can really answer


I didn’t call him weak

I was commenting on his statement that u need to have a support system as a sign of weakness

Not everyone in the world has a family they can depend on.


You’re splitting hairs here

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That’s a valid point

This forum certainly helps

It’s upto u


U can make anything out of it

Speaking of a waste of time…I think this thread has wasted enough of mine. Have fun with it.

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Well ok

So be it

U too have fun wherever you think fun lies

My family is mostly useless aside from immediate family. It was amazing how many of my online friends who were geographically close enough showed up at the hospital IRL when I had the strokes. My in-laws weren’t anywhere to be seen.

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Well u make a good point

Sometimes family members can be totally useless, I agree

But we all have different experiences

It’s interesting to know that ur online friends came to see u, u r lucky

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