Was offered Clozapine

The doc said it would help with my delusions, but it was a pain because of the blood tests. He told me it would make me more tired and I would drool. He would take me off of Latuda though, which I love Latuda :angry:. He would keep me on Risperidone, which I want to get off of :angry:.

Ultimately I turned it down but I can always add it in the future.


Drooling…ah, that sounds like fun. Are you ok cuz you don’t seem anxious

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Blood tests starts once a week for 6 weeks, then every other week for 6 weeks, then once a month. They are a pain but it has helped me


I don’t feel very anxious. Nobody has ever told me that.

Thanks @GrayBear how long does it take till it’s once a month. I’ve only ever seen people go every 2 weeks.

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i was lucky my ex stopped the drs from giving it to me, i said to her if they try to put me on it to please tell them i didnt want it bc of the blood thing.

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Every other week for 6 weeks than once a month

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I had a roommate who got blood tests every 2 weeks because of Clozapine for 2 years.

My Dr said it’ll be every two weeks for probably about another 6 months and then once a month forever


I go once a week for 6 months. It’s torture I despise it with a passion im talking bout clozapine

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Another thing to keep in mind is they are hard to get off of.

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What do you despise about Clozapine most @reignoverme

Yeah my pdoc tried to put me on clozaril. I said hell no so he added mgs to the latuda. Dealing with haldol 1mg which some folks here think is no too low.

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Yeah you seem to be doing very well @roxanna.

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I’m sick and need to be put in a ward


Oh if I felt that way I think I would have tried Clozapine.

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I can’t go til my rent is paid. Then I can go


I hope you feel better @roxanna. Maybe there is stuff you can do instead of being locked up.


I could try. Probably go to bed early.

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I go to bed at 5 pm. I’m not sure how much of a factor it is in my mental health. I just enjoy doing it.

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