Was offered Clozapine

I am having ill thoughts toward myself. I’m not very strong anymore.


Oh I had no clue. I’m very sorry. I hope you get the support you need.

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I hope for Georgetown.

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I hope I didn’t offend my mom I just don’t want to be ■■■■■■ with . I ask for Georgetown to keep from me wanting to leave early from there

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I’m on 400 clozaril I only drool at night an I do blood once a month. You get used to it. I’ve been on for 9 years


Yeah the drooling when sleeping sucks, but ask your doctor about prescribing eye drops. You put them on your tongue

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I heard of that. Is it something that works for you?


Yeah it helps …

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pdoc told me blood tests initially r weekly then monthly and then once in 2 months.

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I take Clozaril too, and i have the same issue as mentioned above by @GrayBear - hypersalivation. It generally only affects me at night, though, during the day you aren’t drooling everywhere or anything like that. But you do tend to pool saliva in your mouth when you’re trying to sleep, and from there it can seep out of your mouth on to the pillow. Very annoying. I think i might ask if there is something i can take to help with this. Other than the excess saliva, the medication has been working very well for me. I haven’t had a bad episode in about 2 weeks now.


The blood work. It ■■■■■■■ hurts


@TheBest Why? Have you tried almost all APs? I’m sorry i skipped replies

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It’s because of my delusions. I’ve never tried Invega, Vrayler, Zyprexa, and I don’t remember exactly what Abilify and Seroquel do to me.

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Sorry to hear that. I also struggle with a conspiracy against me from my family currently. Mey we get better both :slight_smile:

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I came off clozaril after being on it for about 6 years. Hit me like a hammer with withdrawal symptoms, it was the worst.


I was offered it too, but the problem is if I want to go abroad for longer periods it makes it impossible.

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I like your name @anon98459728. Were you in the Navy or Coast Guard?

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Yes @anon51414962 let’s make these conspiracies something we can get rid of.

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Would hypnosis work?

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My only experience with hypnosis is in college. A hypnotist got people to dance and do funny stuff as a part of freshman orientation. Some people have encouraged hypnotism though here. I don’t think it’s for me.

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