Was feeling anxious so I had a shower - now feel worse 😿

Man I hate this ■■■■


sorry, Jim

I always feel I’ll slip in the shower

prefer baths.

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Thanks @Daze. I think I just generally feel ■■■■ and hoped the shower would miraculously help. Obviously it didn’t.

But it’s good that you had a shower. At least you tried, right?
Don’t beat yourself up.

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Thanks @Pikasaur you are right

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have you tried playing some mellow music? sometimes helps me to chill :slight_smile:

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Have got massive attack on. Problem is the curtains are closed. I got scared before and shut them now I have this intense, penned up feeling.

Man I am a chump. Sodding moaning about the curtains when I could easily open them. In fact I will.

Now you’re all clean and smelling good. Good job! I hope I get that motivated today. Hope the mood turns around honey.


i had reanimation on by Linkin park :slight_smile: its a good album.

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Try listening to relaxing music. If you have anything like lavender oil that could help. Also having some nice candles with fragrance might help.

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Right curtains are open!

Think I will lay off coffee for a while - tea only. There’s nothing a nice cup of tea can’t help.


Right windows are open! Hopefully the breeze will blow out the negative vibes.


you know its about that time of year when its changing so fast and the cold can make us anxious, i was really anxious and nervous this morning, seasonal affective disorder sneaks up on people about this time :frowning:

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Even if the shower didn’t necessarily help with the anxiety, it’s still good that you took a shower. Also, maybe it did actually help with the anxiety since you opened the curtains and windows. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good thinking batman!

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