Wanting to work prematurely

I know Im not ready yet. Have been at home on long term disability insurance almost two years. Had racked up some injuries from work that required some operations and procedures. Then there is sz too. I was ultimately let go because it took me over a year to fix myself up.
Lately though I have been missing work. It gave me a purpose and I didnt feel guilty about sitting home working on myself. My mind might not be totally ready to try and get another job (i would like my last one back) but I am looking forward to being able to work again. Can anybody relate?
What are your thoughts?


Volunteering. Great way to dip your toe in the water without endangering benefits. You can safely test your limits. You may also make some great new friends.



That is definitely an option, I like the way you think @shutterbug :smiley:


Can relate.

Any time I feel a little better or have a good day or two, I always want to work and go back to school and do all the things.

But then reality sets in, and I realize maybe I’m still not ready to go back— it’s only been since April of this year that I’ve been on SSDI.

I will second what @shutterbug said: volunteering is a good way to get out of the house and do something for others, all while feeling purposeful. I plan on volunteering (again :sweat_smile:) once I’m feeling more stable and up to it.

Best of luck to you :dizzy:.


Since diagnoses Ive volunteered working as a tour guide, horticultural centre assistant and volunteer sales assistant. I know how you feel.


Yes @Schztuna , thanks. Thats accurate for me too. Feel a little bit better and then realizing within a day or two that Im prob getting ahead of myself. I have to seek out some local volunteer opportunities!


If their paying you benifits or welfare I personally wouldnt bother with work.

I just dont feel whole not having a job, as Ive really never been without one for any long period if time. But then I do realize i may be putting the cart before the horse.

Well its up to you always remember that we have the right to work even with sciz. It would be illegal for an employer to discriminate against us.

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It will also fill part of the gap in your resume and provide you with current references.

Tru dat, wasnt even thinking of those, bonus points.

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This is where you flash some ankle.



(Hikes up the cuff of his trousers by a couple inches)…

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I’d try part time first anyways. Maybe you can work as a extra they call to when needed. That’s what I do for the time being. I tell them I can work max 50% on average. Also there is the option to say no if I’m not up to it.


Thanks @Mr_Hope , yes working part time to start is also another good option. Now I just need to find something thats a good fit.


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