Walking outside...walked by people drinking

I will never get drunk again in my life unless I stop my naltrexone but it’s the only med that helps with the panic attacks. I’m addicted to the relief I get from naltrexone and therefore addicted to not getting drunk. If that makes sense.

Coming to terms with that isn’t usually tough. But then I walk by these girls drinking. Having a great time. Reminds me of all the good times before the bad times. I will never be drunk again I really don’t think. I’m hAving a little trouble coping with that thought right now but it’s ok :+1: cuz it’s for the way better.


For every good feeling alcohol gives you there’s at least as many bad feelings waiting for you down the road.


That’s my philosophy when it comes to drugs, anyway… Works for me.


I like the quote @anon9798425. Same philosophy for me and marijuana.


Those girls might be totally miserable in their lives and just covering it up. Besides you’re walking your path not theirs.

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It is great that you know your limits.

    "There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself"

I don’t know if Louis XIV was the most admirable man but still a very true saying.

You understand yourself. You see the cracks and where you need to be careful lest you break. That is amazing and important.

Is there anything that helps distract you when you see the girls drinking? Is there anything you could be doing or merely thinking about which would be as equally enjoyable, something more positive?

I guess it depends if you are a carrot or stick man when it comes to yourself. You could always do the snap a rubber band on your wrist trick whenever you think about drinking. But I can’t remember if that method had been debunked or not.

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Today I feel really good about not drinking the last year. Yesterday I did too. Me and my friend went to sit down restaurant, there were people drinking around us and it made me realize how grateful I am I don’t have to drink anymore

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