Girls were taught we couldn't do anything

Or maybe we could as long as we were under some man’s thumb.

Oh, gawd. Don’t rile the Croatian feminists today, please. ( :sunglasses: )

I was taught I could do anything I wanted, as long as I did it while remaining a virgin. Oh, Catholic school!

generally i think women :woman: are brighter than men :man: and more insightful.
take care :alien:

Biology is not destiny

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I drink and then drink some more because the last thing that I want to be sober for is the end of the world.

And im a man so so you can see my ignorance

What kind of backwards logic is that?, its no wonder that God s pissed off.

Interesting. I read (again) today (in one of the acknowledged “great books” on mid-century research into sz) that alcohol was the pretty likely the first and still the most widely used med for sz symptoms. (Reports go back to ancient Greek writings from about 2500 years ago.) The side effects profile sucks, however.

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I’ve had an addictions free day, geez I hope tomorrow is just as good.

One Day at a Time.

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The side profile does suck…ive been self medicating with drink for decades… how can i stop?

  • List item

I was raised more or less the same as my brothers. My dad would always cheer “GIRL POWER” as I rushed down our backyard with the football after the kickoff and then basically knocked my brothers out of the way hahaha. Can’t do that anymore that’s for sure!

There are a lot of ways get into the process of stopping, because it is a process and not an event. AA is one of them. Celebrate Recovery is another. Rational recovery is another. MBCT-type workbooks. Group therapies. Sober living homes. Public-supported substance abuse programs. The Veterans Health System (if you’re a vet) is actually one of the best going. Medications like Naloxone, buprenophine and Naltrexone, as well as Antabuse (though medications do NOT deal with the causes in the manner that the other methods do). See what you p-doc and/or case manager recommend.

Google, Google, Google. Ask questions. Listen for answers. Take suggested actions. Etc.

Thanks man im going to work on it.