Anyone else? I feel the meds are ok but keeping it a secret, people see right through it and it hurts . Is everything good in your neck of the woods, or could it be better?
If a cure comes along, then that’s all good and fine. But I’m not basing my life on the possibility of a cure. It would be nice but it may not happen for 5 years or 10 years or it may never happen at all or it may come in a month. I’m not depending on the discovery of a cure.
I’ve been taking meds for over a decade and there are no meds in the pipeline that would be a cure.
I’m not counting on it.
I have to agree with @77nick77 and @Jonathan2 . Waiting for a cure is likely a waste of time. Treatments and medications may improve but holding out hope for a total cure in our lifetime is a bit too much wishful thinking for me.
Better off doing what you can with what we have and trying to live your life as best you can.
I don’t believe there will be a cure in my lifetime.
It depends on age. If you’re a recently diagnosed 20 year old and you live an average life span that means you have almost 60 years left. I don’t think schizophrenia has 60 years left. At least not 60 years of being the totally devastating thing it is now.
Agree. The disease will be better understood and superior medications will be developed. As for a total cure I am doubtful, maybe for some.
That’s true too. Certain subsets of the population will do better before others.
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