I’ve got salted and spiced potato wedges roasting in the oven and a couple of small steaks slow cooking on the stove with an old school sounding radio show playing on my old school radio I keep on top of my fridge, which I could hear if the dishwasher wasn’t going, more like background noise really. Otherwise, occasionally checking the forum here for new posts, sipping cheap imported whiskey and smoking cigarettes.
I’m having my morning coffee while browsing on internet for early morning news and forum topics. I usually don’t do anything serious in the morning as my mind is foggy for 2-3 hours after waking up from the sleep.
I was reading the NY Times online and drinking coffee before I came here to check the damage heh. Read an article about an octopus in a New Zealand aquarium that made a daring escape, slithering along the floor, sliding down a 164 foot pipeline and finding a small six inch hole that lead directly to the ocean…awesome. Apparently this isn’t surprising to those who know octopi as they say they are very intelligent creatures. There was one octopus at another aquarium years ago who used to slip out of it’s tank at night and into the one next store to eat the fish in it and he’d be back in his own tank by morning