Vulnerability stress model of schizophrenia

Vulnerability stress model of schizophrenia affirms that stress could trigger or exacerbate schizophrenia symptoms.
I don’t understand if is consistent with the model that stress during adolescence could trigger schizophrenia symptoms many years later in the early adulthood or the model posits that schizophrenia symptoms occur close to stressful life events

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My understanding is that deep emotional trauma can increase blood-brain barrier permeability, which causes chronic brain inflammation. The damage is usually lasting though, it doesn’t go away when the emotional stressor is gone.

The damage is lasting even wen the stressor is gone? Sounds like one can’t recover… :frowning:

The blood-brain barrier permeability has to be restored somehow. Low stress living and a good diet could possibly do that.

I’m looking into it.

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I think if u go thru traumatic things wen u r younger and ur brain systems are still developing, then it can lower ur threshold to stress. Ie u get stress hormones rushing thu ur body at a lower stress level than someone who didn’t go thru trauma.

It’s called the hpa system. Which is our main stress response system.

I think if we get that altered threshold to stress response we are more vulnerable to sz maybe, since stress triggers psychosis in high risk people


It’s true that being subjected to gradual stress can make a person stronger against it, but a sudden, overwhelming shock causes serious damage that a person can’t easily bounce back from.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.Object name is pch184151.jpg

Figure 1)

Overview of the impact of child maltreatment on later outcomes and the mediating role of biological systems. HPA Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal

from here:

it is a really sad situation

but hopefully people can cope with the right strategies

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yea I agree with u. it is really hard

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Yeah lol,

Same here.

in the vulnerability stress model childhood trauma can be considered as a vulnerability factor or as a stressor/trigger factor?

Of course it makes schizophrenia worse, it’s no surprise. The same happens with bipolar, Parkinson’s, generalized anxiety, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, nutritional diseases… too much stress is bad for everything

Stress wasn’t the problem for me. My family is very supportive and my environment is good. I still got SZ.

The HPA axis is involved in PTSD and stands for hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Its responsible for controlling stress hormones like those released from the adrenal glands, cortisol and epinephrine.

I mean don’t you get stressed? Not even while working?

I don’t work. I have a hard time taking baths but its not from stress, its from negative symptoms.

I know some APs are great to control stress, especially typical APs like haldol

is it consistent with the vulnerability stress model (or diathesis stress model) that stress during adolescence could trigger schizophrenia symptoms many years later in the early adulthood or the model posits that schizophrenia symptoms occur close to stressful life events?

I don’t know if anyone has a certain answer on that but I personally think it can in people susceptible to psychosis,
Many years later in life

I’ve done lots of different form of therapy but the most effective was 20 minutes of slow deep breathing daily for 4 months straight. My anger and irritability disappeared, and if anything I’ve become too peaceful and non-reactive. The 20 minutes must be done in one go, but after 10 minutes I’d get weird sensations in my body. I persisted and did the full 20 mins.