
I stop working in 2 weeks.

I still dont know what to do. I want volunteering or a simple job. Ideas? What was your nicest simple job or volunteering job?

Im easily bored intellectually, have ideas. But Im not a good organiser, im not stress resilient, im shy. I can do work related socializing somehow, like polite chatting with guests in a coffee bar, but you wouldnt want to put me in sales. :slight_smile:

I volunteer in the office at a non profit when not doing school work. It suits me and I can pick when I work so I can keep my grades up. There are a lot of volunteer positions out there. I think you should check online.

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Thanks. That is nice. I will look around!

I used to have a real cool volunteering job - a creative afternoon with refugee kids. They were real sweet. I might be able to get it back. There is also a coffee bar in my neighbourhood with volunteers. It might be nice to get to know people.

Its a great way to make friends. I absolutely love my coworkers. I’ve had to cut back on the hours I volunteered because my grades were taking a dip and I was getting a little bit more psychotic, but its really good for me and putting myself out there has really helped with my motivation issues.


Yes i think for me as well…I started to recover when i started to be more active with such things. Though my current job was too much.

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Thats ok the current job was too much. You live and you learn. I don’t really know if I’ll be able to handle a full time job with my meds causing me so many sleep problems and some sneaky psychosis. If you volunteer you can also just tell people you are working, which has done wonders for my confidence.


Good! Nice that you are getting so much out of it.

We have a little bookstore in our local library where I used to volunteer selling books. I would set up at the desk and do my own stuff—read, write, go on the internet—until I needed to help someone. Usually there would only be one or two people at a time in the store. It was very slow paced, and the library was nice and quiet, I liked that job a lot.


@anon1517417 I can totally see you doing that…


Sounds real nice! Id love to do something like that, work in a bookstore. Great thatvyou can do that.

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I always thought all my volunteering I did would lead to a paid job there,
but it never did.
I had good and bad experiences as a volunteer,
some women hogged all the work, and I ended up just standing there,
so I had to start saying, “I’m going to do this.”
But all the events I did, I always got a free T-shirt,
and some places gave us gift cards at Christmas.
So, yeah, I think you should do it.
I always found mine thru the United Way website.


I have two easy volunteer admin jobs
One at citizens advice where I do data input
The other Is Alzheimer’s where I send letters to new referrals at put details on the system
My co workers are great and there is some social stuff


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