Please don’t listen to the voices. I know what it’s like to give in to the disease and leave school. I left my doctoral program because of my sza. I think I would be finished with the program by now and would be Dr. Happy_H. Now all I can say is, “I have credits towards my doctorate.” It’s worth nothing. I really regret not staying strong and completing it. It’s not something I can easily get back into either. Don’t give up!
Thank you for the responses. It’s hard because the voices pressure me all day long. And when I’m doing badly in my class they laugh at me. They say “dear lord have mercy! It’s so funny!”
I’m feeling like I have to quit because the voices say they will bury me alive if I don’t quit. I’m really afraid of them.
Sometimes I hear people I know, but mostly it’s demons.
All day long the voices are telling me to quit. Both good and bad voices tell me to quit. They say “anything’s better than going to hell! So quit!” They keep saying I’m going to hell if I don’t quit.
Over and over they tell me to quit. All day long.
It’s really frustrating and annoying. I don’t want to quit!
I quit my studies 3 years ago and i still think that’s the childish and stupidest thing i have done in my life. Let the voices not overtake your life. You are strong.
No matter how many people give me good advice, I can never listen. It’s because I was given signs from God. They wrote me messages around my house. They even wrote “You go… down” with down replaced by a down arrow on my fridge.
They wrote me messages on my wall where I measured my height as a kid. At the top they wrote “This is the height you died at.”
They wrote me messages about my worst sins in my room on a piece of paper.
Yea lots of professor rather encourage you instead of putting you down, which is what the psychologist at your school will usually do if you go to them.