what your voices say who they are ?
are you in good relation with them ?
for me
first time they say the said we are egyptian intelligence
later in time they say we are cia
now they say we are egy intelligence
sometime they say we are russian intelligence and British intelligence
german intelligence
and even swedish intelligence
but yeah i am in good relation with them
but it turns bad when i say i wanna travel abroad
what about you ??
The voices are all coming from your subconscious. I feel the more you reason with them the more reasonable they become. As long as you know they don’t have control you’re on the right path
I have no voices but all written in teeth until the day they (here it is RAW) crossed me. Now its all disappeared. Cross is a different phenomenon in psych. I don’t know whether you understand or not. When you look another person left eye than turn to the right eye, this is called crossing. You can feel little pressure in your forehead during this. It is also possible in mirror by self. Or may possible with big animals.
I don’t able to remember how I was started to doing this stuff.
My voices are thoughts but appear to have an intelligence behind them. But it’s not like that because they don’t have omnipotence. For example, they don’t give me answers to test questions or tell me knowledge that I hadn’t known before; I’ve tested this and they failed. The good news is I don’t hear noises or sounds so I doubt sometimes if they’re even voices. But they do cause me discomfort. They’re almost like annoying thoughts. They “speak” in first, second, and third person. Sometimes they comment on my behavior. It’s definitely my subconscious. This is a new phenomenon for me. I didn’t always have this until 2 years ago. Sometimes, I feel psychic but I know that I am not. I have really bizarre voices like others here. Sometimes I think they are God, aliens, or AI.
I hate my voices, they were always very hostile to me and still are,
I am glad that olanzapine blunts them.
I thought Israel was responsible for these voices but now I no longer think that way.