Voices push your delusions even though you know it’s not real and now matter how much you tell your self that’s it’s not real the voices say other wise
They are flippin powerful in their influence upon our minds. The sick twist is that no one knows wat happens wen we die
Yes exactly but they tell me that I do know that everyone gets tourtued by illuminati and lizard people
Lizard people lol.
But u don’t know this really do u wat evidence do u have
None and neither do the lizards but I read some where that the lizard people had a secret under ground base where they did DNA experiments on clones and I read the illuminati tortures clones with water in these bases but nothing where they tourture normal people in this bases. The only thing is that the voices have shown me these bases and it looks like nothing I have ever seen with underground gardens and naked people being exploited with domes with weird technology surrounded by water
It’s likely to be just the voices making things up. They seem to just want to stress us out so they come up with things that would stress u out. No worries bout the books, books or the Internet can say all kind of things based on little evidence.
My voices say it was a test that I failed
My voices say that I’m the reason why heaven on earth does not exist. Hence why I need to go to hell for eternity and the energy of my suffering will be recycled for heaven on earth.
Wat was the test, was it the cigarettes
Yes it was the ciggs. How did you know?
I think u mentioned it before.
The voices have told me I’m being tested 247 also. It’s exhausting and I am extremely overwhelmed by them.
For the love of god man stop reading about lizard people. I can’t really talk though since I googled the shiit out of mindcontrol and CIA and IRA conspiracy’s. I actually found out that the CIA worked with the IRA in the 70s that was a tough one to get over. Still kinda bugs me. I also found out that this other sz guy who lives an hour away from me murdered his parents because his mum specifically didn’t want him joining the IRA like his voices wanted him too, that’s what my voices wanted me to do as well! What’s the chances of that? Makes me think the IRA are actually making people hear voices. That really stays with me. Can someone rationalize that for me? I want the help
Yea just get away from trolling websites
Take a break
Voices feed delusions and delusions feed voices
My voices first told me about the lizard people and that there god
How do they test you?
Oh really your voices made it up!? What else did they make up?
That iam living in a dome and iam the only one alive and ever one else is gods
My voices really push that iam in a false reality and no ones real