I’m sorry that I’m posting so much today. I just feel so terrible right now.
I just feel like I’m overloading all of you with my posts and I’m terribly sorry. Please forgive me.
Something triggered my delusions and i just feel that my heart is racing and i don’t know what to do and i feel so suffocated. I feel something is reading my thoughts and stealing my information
I just have thousands of voices chattering and they are telling me to do bad things
I feel that someone is reading my thoughts and i just don’t jnow what to do…
I feel hopeless and lost
I just can’t separate what’s real and what’s not
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I like reading your posts, so keep it up. Never let the voices get the upper hand on you. They’re in your mind, without you they are nothing.
Try to imagine doing things to turn down the volume. Imagine a radio and turn it down.
Stay away from white noise if you can. Listen to music, play a video game, watch tv… distract yourself. Hang in there
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Try to do distract yourself, listen to music, play games, etc. But if you can’t tell whats real and what’s not you should go to the hospital
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