Could someone please message me I'm trying to calm down can't tell if hearing things

I’ve been thru hell the last twenty years. Why does ■■■■■■■. Care


Sorry you’re having a bad day. I’m going to try better supplements.


I hope they help you


Hi Rox, sorry your having a rough time. Maybe there is something you can do to calm down like have a cup of tea and listen to music.

My mind has cooled down, playing a lot less tricks on me the last 6 months. I think the inositol supplement plays a part. I don’t have voices, just intrusive thoughts, so I don’t know if it would do you any good to try it.

Hope you are able to calm down :heart:


I just don’t understand why I can’t ignore people. Dam this evil disorder!


can’t tell if hearing things

Here’s the advice I gave you previously.

I still think you need to purchase it.

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Good idea. Using video recording on a smartphone would work too I guess since sound is recorded, although it takes space. But could just delete the recordings after checking.

Also there are several voice recording apps on google play store.


Hope U feel better @roxanna


I’m so sorry @roxanna you can pm me if you want.

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I have the same problem. I constantly listen to what people are saying in my surrounding. I can’t separate real talk from voices when I’m in public.

The only thing that helps is isolating myself at home with music on my headphones.

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I have been through the same thing and it was so frustrating for me because all I could think about was the neighbors across the street constantly. But in my case they weren’t saying anything or doing anything wrong they mostly just minded their own business. One time the neighbor across the street came and asked me what religion I was and it kind of triggered me. But they were very responsible neighbors. But I could not focus on anything else but them for some reason. I take perphenazine and it helps a little bit with that and anxiety. But when my doctor added 7 mg of Abilify it really helped with the feelings I was getting. I noticed it wasn’t just my mind being consumed by them but my feelings also were consumed with them also. I wish you some peace and solitude with your mind and feelings. I never lashed out at them or said anything to them regarding this but inside my head I was condemning them constantly for overtaking my mind and it was terrible. They have moved now and I no longer think of them. But somethings trigger me with the other neighbors but it doesn’t last for more than a day or two and then I have another couple weeks of total peace with my mind and feelings.

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Thanks. I go outside or bus when I have to. I’m tired of worrying about neighbors. People can be idiots. My mind is being harsh right now. As long as I take my meds and until I see my pdoc in June. I know it’s going to repeat try combat as I can.


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