what is the relationship between vitamin D and schizophrenia? any of you have tried supplements of vitamin D? Vitamin D cure schizophrenia?
I supplement with vitamin D - I have a deficiency.
Vitamin D is actually a hormone - it is vital for healthy bones and overall health.
It is important for a healthy brain and body
Sad to say NO… it doesn’t cure it.
I take a lot of vitamin D for other reasons… even though my teeth are strong and my bone density is good…my Sz is still with me.
There are 10 associations of Schiz with low vitamin D.
Current dosing level slows down vitamin D.
Much higher levels of vitamin D might, as with MS, stop Schiz.
Overview of Schiz and vitamin D is in the left column at
VitaminDWiki - the world’s largest vitamin D website
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The results of research on Vitamin D and mental disorders is pretty mixed, but there’s a lot of anecdotal support for clinical depression being correlated to Vitamin D deficiency. Thus, negative symptom sz may (or may not) respond to some extend to increased, dietary Vitamin D and appropriate solar exposure.
I get plenty of sun it doesn’t seem to do much other than roast me
I took a blood test and it showed low on vitamine D. I take supplements in winter. I’m out in the sun in summer and get vitamine D from the sun.
Did you take vitamin d3 or d2?
there is a link between vitamin D and schizophrenia?someone have tried to assume vitamin d?
Well i don’t know the answer to that but maybe you are the first who discovered this just kidding
What do you mean by a link?
I know that vitamin D deficiency causes bone growth abnormalities like rickets, for example. I am pretty sure medical researchers studying sz have looked into this but found nothing significant to link low vit D as a cause of concern for people with mental illnesses. Besides, they would have made any results widely available, and given their recommendations for supplements to GPs and public health authorities. Exposure to sunshine, consuming diary products, meat and fish have vitamin d in abundance which can be bought almost anywhere these days. Countries where dietary choice is limited do not have higher incidence of mental illnesses, and in many instances the reverse in fact.
I take b12… 151515
I take in Vitamin D supplements.
I have a deficiency.
Any improvments?
I had very low vitamin d had to take mega doses for awhile. Doc said I should feel better soon. Think it can cause low mood. Then later tested low in B12. So now I just take all the vitamins to be sure I don’t get low.
I’m black and live in Minnesota so I struggle with vitamin D deficiency especially during the winter. I take 2000 iu pretty much everyday and drink fortified milk or orange juice. That seems to keep the seasonal depression at bay.
Pleasanton read this
Sorry: i wanted to sta “please read this”
I merged your two identical threads, @andrea866.
I have been taking vitamin D too everyday.