Video About my Personal Experience With SzA


nice commercials.

but seriously, I find it intriguing that we (thomas, you, and I) had felt the effects of our MI at our college years.

I also like the hope towards the end of the video. good mindset!

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Thank you so much for sharing your story. I really feel for you man, I’m really glad you are still with us man. You are sharing a lot about schizoaffective disorder, and I can only imagine the depressive side of it is very difficult to cope with. You are a strong guy, keep making videos, keep sharing your story, and I will be keeping up with you bro! Stay positive! Also, best of luck with the legal stuff, I had a few legal hassles but I did the right things and was able to dismiss my stuff. I hope it all works out for you sincerely.


Good Video @Sooner88
Glad you shared :slightly_smiling_face:


How old are u sooner…!!!

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did you know that some people find it a little awkward when asked for their age, here in America? :stuck_out_tongue:

just kidding.

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@Sooner88 Good video! I think its courageous of you to share your story.

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