Schizophrenic youtubers! They exist!

Which schizophrenic youtubers have you seen?

Yep thereā€™s a good amount actually! I donā€™t remember any specific names but I have watched several before. It is interesting to hear everyoneā€™s unique experiences with the illness.


Hi Mā€¦ supā€¦ thanks for sharingā€¦ what are u upto buddyā€¦!!!

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I follow rachel. She actually had inspired me to start making my own. And after seeing my first video again I can actually see the progress Iā€™ve made in just a year wow. I watched it the other day and also cleaned up my channel.


Just workin and anxiously trying to get my application in for nursing school! (Iā€™m waiting for my advisors to update my transcript to show the classes I took this fall semester as they will significantly raise my gpa, they are being very slow to respond :roll_eyes:) Symptoms have been bad and Iā€™ve been needing to take klonopin every night to get to sleep. But today was a good day and Iā€™m holding onto that.


Interesting, my brother (19) also switched his program from neuroscience to behavioral healthā€¦ Something or the other. I told him your advice but I think he made the decision on his own. He already took a nursing assistant certification course over the summer which ended with him helping out in assisted living centers. This is the much I know about his life, I donā€™t retain much when he talks to me. Yeah, but biological behavioralā€¦ whatever, is his program now. He was ok with neuroscience but said he didnā€™t want to end up in a research lab. Idk if what he is doing is similar to you but heā€™s doing what he wants to do (which is helping people) and thatā€™s what matters, right? Thanks for your advice!

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Mortimermouse (wonā€™t give his real name) had a channel, I think he took it down. I couldnā€™t find it. Otherwise there are more I havenā€™t posted, any suggestions are welcome.

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Yeah ive watched most of them - Unfortanalty theres a couple that come across as ā€œpoor meā€ and use it to gain attention. These losers dont focus on recovery - they like to tell the world how ill they are and it gets on my tits. Jacob Bowman being one of them.


I think that last guy in the original post is on the forum lol


Autumn Asphodel has every mental illness under the sun if you watch enough of her videos.


I thought it would be cool to post her because we have people who have had gender identity issues on here or who have transitioned.

Jonny benjamin and imani amani are gay too. So those of us who are lgbt could relate.


I donā€™t mind if they are gay, trans ect. I just donā€™t think Autumn in particular is telling the truth. She seems way too well put together and has way too many mental illnesses to account for that.


Who are you to judge? She has gone through some form of mental illness which has been professionally diagnosed. If sheā€™s lying, well, thatā€™s on her conscience.

I can judge because I am here with you all everyday and meet other mentally ill people with diagnoses just like hers. She doesnā€™t look, sound, or act mentally ill. So if you want to take that up with me, come join my side and look through my eyes.


I personally dont mind any video that depicts Sz. in a positive light, after all we need less stigmatisation of this illness. What does annoy me tho is those that post for attention-seeking purposes for there own personal gratifacation and playing a victim just cos they are Sz. You can always tell the difference watching these vidoes.

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There are always some kernels of knowledge to be drawn from observing the behaviors of people like us. Follow them over time, listen to how they speak. See if you can tell what symptoms they suffer from. Lastly, compare your experience to theirs and use what works for them to improve your life with the illness. Yes, if it seems like bellyaching is all one person does, or if a youtuber seems to be uninteresting or wrong, then ignore that individual and learn from the rest.


How do you distinguish between someone ā€˜playing a victimā€™, and just being open and honest about how things are for them ?

Or do you just want videos full of bubbly personalities that just happen to have sz/sz-a ?


DOnt forget! the schizophrenic gamer!


Because you simply can tell. The conversation is always about them and how ill they are - they have every symptom under the sun, and some even post their results from crappy online diagnosis tests just to prove to the internet how ill they are. That is attention-seeking in my opinion. Call it a Gaydar for schziophrenics - you just know they are bullshitting for attention.

Nor do they promote any kind of recovery - its all about how they arte suffering and how much they need to be pityed. I must add ive seen none of it on this forum. Its almost always youtube videos.

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