Update on things

So the whole TB test incident has resolved and I am able to take my clinicals and graduate on time. Basically I met with my dean and to my embarrassment ended up bursting into tears telling her about the stress I’d been under this semester especially with my new health issues. She was very kind and understanding and said that with a doctor’s note she could possibly help me get back into clinicals and that is what happened!

I went through a whole roller coaster there though. Immensely stressful. Then I had my first nursing job interview which I do not think went well. But I feel I know what to improve on for next time so that’s good at least. The new semester starts tomorrow (technically starts Tuesday but I want to get a bit ahead on schoolwork, if I start tuesday I’ll be behind…) and I am feeling so overwhelmed and just don’t want to do it. I want to skip to where I have a job and am moved out. I am also still quite stressed about my health and weight. My mental health has not been all that good lately either most likely because of all the stress I’ve been under. I’ve been having terrible or bizarre demon dreams almost every night. I just have one semester to go…fingers crossed I make it through alive!!


I struggled with study, but I am glad I did it in the end. It was definitely worth it as I couldn’t do my job I have now without the qualification I got.

Stick with it! It’s a balancing act, but it can be done.


School can be very stressful.

Just keep your eye on the prize. In this case the prize is that sweet degree and a new future.

And your last semester will fly by.

Take care. :slight_smile:

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Hang in there. Study is stressful for sz and taking some extra time/having some time off can be options if your struggling under stress. I’m sure these days you can work with the Uni’s and look after your health and still graduate.

It’s no slight on yourself to take it a little longer than others…seriously. You deal with a lot more shite.


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