the man that i asked time out for is now not responding to me after time out which i had asked for.
i think it was for the best because i felt sorta nervous with him although he was lovely,
so that leaves me with two friends in my social life.
a texting buddy and my ex boyfriend we are on weird friend terms,
i think i still love him i realised this but i don’t like the way he does some things although he is absolutely free to do things his way ofcourse, plus there is an age gap
he anyway prefers us to be on (weird) friend terms too.
We also decided to be friends not for life necessarily but just to be there for each other through times of change through the next few years at the very least.
@Zoe sounds like you are handling things really well. And being good to yourself.
I’m really struggling with just daily life. Not working, can’t draw. I am forcing myself to start new hobbies like sewing. I am making a custom bomber jacket for my nephew. I also have my dogs and they make me happy.
Oh, the night before the day, I spoke with my attorney and she said she’d represent me in court and that I would not have to show up. My next court day is on January 21st. There the judge will decide if he/she will dismiss the charges based on my mental illness or if the trial will continue.
That’s great news that it’s over with. It’s actually about the 5th time I’ve had a court date. About 3 of those times my attorney has represented me without me actually having to be there. One ti.e I showed up anyway because I did not know she could present herself before the judge on my behalf.
It’s been about 5 months now that my case has been going on. Technically about 9 months but I was in jail for a year when it started. I want it to end. I don’t want to have to worry about what may happen anymore. I really hope I don’t end up with a felony strike on my record. If I do that will disqualify me from a low income housing program I have been interested in applying for so that I can find affordable housing in case anything happens to my parents.
Hi. I’m working as a part time cashier but I have gotten paranoid at night a couple times. I’ve gotten to talk to a couple cool girls but I’ve been giving the one I asked out some time.