Update about me

Hey peeps. I wanted to unpack some of the things that are happening in my life in terms of ongoing recovery if anyone happens to be interested.
So i am now going to be seeing a new psychiatrist next week. I hope that they are helpful. Im also going to be starting some psychotherapy next week with a psychologist. Havent had any therapy in quite a while. Really hoping that its going to help in a number of aspects. Mainly with my debilitating social anxiety but also to see if they can help in any way with sz negatives. They are really ruining my life. The complete apathy and anhedonia is so damn frustrating. Doing something i used to love is about as fun or interesting as staring at the floor tiles for a couple of hours. I also want to work through a certain phobia of mine.
Every mental health worker i meet tells me that im way too high functioning to apply for disability which annoys me. So since that seems to be out of the question im going to do my absolute best with the new doctors to try to get to a point with my mental health where i can actually function as well as i appear to and get some kind of work.
Anyway feel free to comment and give your thoughts about me or you or anything in terms of recovery.
I should probably just write this kind of stuff in a diary so i dont bore you guys with such dry and dull thoughts. Knowing that it might be seen by someone else makes me feel nice though haha.


I agree that having a couple of new people in the recovery plans will move you to give everything a fresh approach. Let us know how it went in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, just work on maintaining your present stability.


Lol i wish I had a psyciatric that was like in the movies and tv shows. They always seem so capable.

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