Unplugged my internet to get off a call

Had a very abusive customer call in and I didn’t know how to get off the call so I simply unplugged my internet to end the call. Just so I could tell my manager that my internet disconnected and it wasn’t me purposefully ending a call.


Hey. Good thinking. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Can you hang up on them if they swear at you? :zebra::zebra::zebra:


I would totally do this also.


You get that sometimes in customer service.

I worked about a half year in customer service in banking and had some rude customers.


I would be the biggest dick if I worked customer service.

“Oh I’m sorry you feel that way sir. May I offer you a coupon for a subhuman sandwich? Oh! I’m sorry, I meant Subway sandwich.”

Evil grin


That’s some scary ■■■■, customer service. Only thing worse I could think of is prison warden or child services worker, for the amount of abuse you would have to tolerate. Thought?

Edit; or anything with heights

No I can’t hang up on them for cursing but I could escalate them to the escalations department.

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Better way of doing it

I once had a rude customer on the phone and I told them off/called them out then they complained to our head office and I got an official warning!

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Man I could never do this type of job lol

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I actually love my job. I work for a pet supplies company and mostly people are happy to talk to me about their pets and tell me stories. I was on the phone with an elderly woman for 55 minutes yesterday and she was just like telling me her life story.


oh wow im glad you like that i would find that hard

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Wellplayed, I don’t blame you. good thinking

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