I was happy most of the time. But today I was in agony bacuse I hate the censorship of my government. It’s been tightening since last year and I can’t get used to it. We had enjoyed a lot of freedom in Dengxiaoping time. But now everything is changing. Sorry this is about politics but I have nowhere to vent except this site.
Hang in there. In cultures of oppression just live your life and don’t put a target upon your back. It saddens me that your government chooses this way but modern economics may win in the end. Much peace, love and respect. It’s a terrible predicament but keep your head low!
Thanks a lot for your understanding and advice @rogueone . I just feel the need to vent somewhere otherwise my head and heart will burst with anger and fear. I may choose to go back to Australia when I am ready.
I’m surprised you can even write that on here.
From now on I will get on to this site with private access. I don’t want to leave something to the internet police of my government. and I will go much less to the Chinese Sz forum. This is sad because I love Chinese language and am very good at using Chinese. My English level is not good enough to express all my thinking.
No, they haven’t blocked this site maybe the internet police thought a SZ forum of English does no harm to the Chinese politics.
Look after yourself friend. So sad but as I say some good may come. Hong Kong could get ugly but we will see with world politic. Important to keep yourself off the radar. Much peace.
I have an Internet friend who is Kurd in Turkey.
He deleted his accounts because he was afraid of dictator Erdogan. So sad. I understand you
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