Anyone here with sza or sz that is in remission suffer from intrusive thoughts? By intrusive thoughts I mean one or two words that fly into your head unwantedly
That have a conspiratorial vibe. For instance, words like Cops, or satellite, or CIA. If so what is the origin of thoughts like these? Is it OCD or psychosis? I’ve experienced psychosis where these thoughts turned into delusions but I am not psychotic at the moment I just have these remnants or thoughts sometimes.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks
This doesn’t sound like OCD type of intrusive thoughts, more like inside voices. I think it’s from psychosis but better ask your pdoc.
I have intrusive thoughts sometimes when I’m feeling overly stressed or high anxiety I sometimes get the thoughts about self harming to release the inner pain. I know it doesn’t work that way, and it scares me every time a thought like that randomly pops in my head, but I know self-harm is wrong. I know it only adds to the mess instead of helping the situation. I also know how dangerous it is, and do not want to act on these thoughts once oh-ever. but they still come into my head. It’s always directed towards me, and not anyone else. I know the thoughts can’t actually hurt me, I would have to do that part…but it gets rather disturbing if it increases during the day.
I am tormented by intrusive thoughts. What’s worse, people can tell what I am thinking through my mannerisms and nonverbal behavioral cues. Most people don’t take it too much to heart, but it is impossible not to be affected by it. I swear, I am not the kind of person my mannerisms project.
Hi, What types of “mannerisms and behavioral cues” do you put out there? How do you know that people can tell? Do they treat you differently?
I don’t know how to say it, other than that I project these intrusive thoughts into my environment. It’s impossible to miss them.
Yea it sounded a lot like what I go through. My intrusive thoughts cause me a lot of distress and I feel like they negatively affect my self esteem. Which shows in anxiety and insecurity. That’s how I think people can tell because I look bothered.
Does that make any sense?
im in the same boat as you but its like a mild psychosis for me not too intense. i always have intrusive thoughts but its more like thought insertion
I try to just ignore my intrusive thoughts. they have lessened over time because of me doing so. good luck.
Hey @arrgghh thanks for your reply. If you don’t mind me asking. Is the low grade psychosis you describe all the time? Or do you have periods of no psychosis too?