Is intrusive thoughts part of schizophrenia

Might have nailed the dx it might actually be schizophrenia and not bipolar because I can’t get this stupid thoughts out of my head ARGH GO AWAY PLEASE

Stupid thoughts go away pls. No innocent thoughts staying in my mind. Don’t die it’s preventable. I will tell you in the morning.

My friend said.

For the longest time, everytime I would speak with another man (ie. Mechanic, furnance repair guy, salesman) I had this damn intrusive thought that this guy wants to kiss me. I’m straight, so it repulsed me and I was offended in a way…couldnt stop that Gd thought from entering my mind. Couldnt focus on what our conversation was about…just bizarre.

Hope it’s gone for good now. Haven’t dealt with that in while.

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I get thought insertion and thought broadcasting. Maybe the thought insertion is just instructive thoughts…hmm I’m not sure.

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@anon80629714, Intrusive thoughts are OCD. Not sz/sza.
Are the thoughts someone elses voice or thoughts? Or are they your own thoughts? It makes a difference.

They feel extremely loud.

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@anon80629714, are they someone elses thoughts or voice, or are they your own thoughts??

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@anon80629714, or can’t you tell?

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It’s my own thoughts there’s no voices but they are over powering it’s all I think about

@anon80629714, If it’s your own thoughts, then it’s intrusive thoughts which is OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder which is an anxiety disorder and not sz/sza. But, don’t listen to me. Talk to your pdoc about it.

Yes. I don’t get voices but I have this central thought that comments on everything I do. I also have thoughts that enter my head and impossible to remove. I do better these days but it’s the same realm. Stress is my biggest problem still though. I don’t often notice things going wrong till stressed.

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