What are intrusive thoughts

I have thoughts that of things I don’t intentionally think about, and can’t stop thinking about to the point of anxiety attacks. Is this an intrusive thought? Ive never experienced this with sz before, only hallucinations & paranoia. I’m not sure if this is intrusive thinking or just overthinking, but I literally can’t stop the thoughts.

I have thoughts that don’t fit the situation or what I’m trying to think about. They are usually words that are out of place. And it causes me a tremendous amount of distress. I never had this before my break and I don’t know where it comes from. I’m guessing it’s the brains reaction to being stressed out. I’ve been told that it is OCD and the treatment for it is anti depressants which do work. I personally feel that the atypicals caused this but I’m not sure.

In addition, I’ve found that caffeine or anything stimulating makes it worse. I wonder if you’ve noticed the same thing. I’m currently taking Prozac for this every time I go up on the dose I notice my mind getting clearer and clearer. It’s been hell though, the intrusive thoughts can cause so much anxiety that I tend to avoid social interaction because I’m afraid my mind is going to start backfiring on me when I’m talking to someone. So far it hasn’t though, it’s weird that it’s usually worse when I’m idle and alone.

sounds like it… the sz is good at that. Interjecting things that are upsetting and break the focus.

I get single inappropriate words repeated 3-4 times rapidly every once in awhile. Sometimes inappropriate visuals at times just out of nowhere. I internally tell the auditory to shut up and the visual to stop and they never persist.

I think intrusive thoughts are thoughts that come without us wanting it. You can, for example, have a thought in which you stab someone you love. Or you have the thought that something very bad happens to someone you love. They’re intrusive thoughts.

You can question these thoughts in order to deal with them.

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Its like you have a thought or series of thoughts which you don’t want to have. Intrusive thoughts are one of my main symptoms and they are very stressful.

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My intrusive thoughts are thoughts that ‘come out of nowhere’ and are very distressing (sometimes). They may be thoughts of how I am going to be emotionally or physically tortured or fear that I may hurt myself. Those horribly intrusive thoughts cause severe paranoia and can land me in the hospital. Other times the intrusive thoughts are very intriguing but benign. Maybe things about the ‘brain study’ I am in and what my ‘real’ world is about. The thing they have in common is they don’t seem to fit in with my normal, regular thoughts.

Your unwanted thoughts could very well be classified as intrusive thoughts. Talk to your pdoc. Hope your meds help. Hope it gets better for you.


Mine are unwanted random thoughts that make no sense. Sometimes they have a little bit of a paranoid feel to them, but for the most part they are intrusive words like I’ve got mental Tourette’s. ■■■■ ■■■■ ass


Find relief with prozac?

Do ypu have nightmares on it?

You still on prozac and is it working?