Two things need to get done tonight

Kitchen needs to get cleaned and instant pot needs to get ready so I can make ribs tomorrow.

Ribs, corn on the cob and baby potatoes for lunch tomorrow. I sure hope everyone is hungry. I sure hope I can figure out the instant pot without blowing it up. Lol. :woozy_face:


Ribs are wonderful in the Instant Pot. In 35 minutes you’ll have meat falling off the bone. For the money those pots are worth every cent.

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Sounds like a good plan. I like a good plan when it comes together. It’s hard to get that motivation but just dive in and do it…then reward yourself and watch some netflix or something!

Lunch sounds good. If it wasn’t for the pacific ocean and a heck of a plane flight I’d say save me a place at the table!

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My sister has one and bought one for each of her kids. They all love using them.

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I’d save a place! :sunglasses::smiley:

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