I guess I’m a senior citizen now. My body feels old when I get up from the couch or a chair, my back is stiff. And last time I actually ran was a few years ago when I was crossing a street; it felt weird and awkward. From what I read, my life expectancy was 59 years old so I already beat the odds.
When I get older losing my hair many years from now.
Are you saying it’ll be many years before you lose your hair?
You’re a year younger than my parents and I don’t consider them old
That’s started happening to me. I’m 55. I’m hoping it’s just because I put on some weight.
Like @jukebox once said, “getting old isn’t for sissies”.
I turned 60 this past June
I’m feeling older
I too get random aches and pains all over my body
The other day I hurt my back picking up my 22 pound small dog
I hear you @77nick77
Man, I feel like this all the time, even though I’m just 22. But mine is most likely due to heavy antipsychotic treatment and medication induced Parkinsonism.
I feel like our schizophrenic life expectancy is shorten due to a lot of early suicide and obesity related ailments. You can be healthy and have schizophrenia and live a long time.
Wow. That’s great. And you work too.