Idk what’s wrong…I am trying to stop smoking before I turn 59…stopped last night at midnight. I just CAN’T smoke when I’m 59…
I mean, ultimately it’s up to you. You’ve quit and stayed quit before, but went back to it. You have to decide to stop smoking. It’s all about making up your mind and sticking to it. No magic pill or secret to it.
I hope you have a happy birthday!
well I’m really scared which is helping me…the thought of dying from cancer is eminent if I continue…only a matter of time…thanks @anon40540444
and thank you @Jake
the patch with gum really does help. but you need a task to keep your hands busy to overcome the oral fixation
I never found gum or the patch all that helpful. It doesn’t matter if you get your nicotine fix from a cigarette, patch or gum when you stop any of them the craving comes back.
It took me 10 years, and several attempts to quit. I finally did it when I turned 30. Just don’t smoke, no matter what. I did it cold turkey. It gets easier. I have been a non-smoker for 13 years now. I don’t even think about it anymore.
thanks @Headspark I found that to be true every time I use the patch or gum…cold turkey…my favorite way to stop…
you can talk me down too on smoking. i had one every two days and i can seem to put it in my past
I agree with @anon40540444 . It’s all a matter of making a firm, no holds barred decision to quit smoking, @jukebox, and then, just quit, and never go back, no matter what.
That’s how I quit my two pack a day smoking habit overnight. It’s also how I quit my daily, 7 year long bulimia habit. I just made a firm and resolute decision to quit. And most importantly, I told myself “to hell with the consequences of quitting”. I told myself that I didn’t care if I gained a 1,000 lbs., I was still going to quit.
And you know what? After quitting both smoking and bulimia, I lost weight.
I’m not saying that weight gain is your issue. But whatever it is, like me, life might surprise you.
Well at least you made it to 59. Just think of every day as a gift and try to make the best of it. I’m 44 and I smoked since I was 15. They found two growths in my lungs last year and it’s not looking good. To top it off my mom has been battling lung cancer the past 3 years. I haven’t smoked in a year but at this point I think it’s too little too late.
Never too late to give up. I smoked from 14 till 39. A pack a day at least when I could afford it. It’s been 10 years ago now and doing so much better. It really is a great thing to do at any age…it’s just ingesting poison.
Your lungs will be able to breathe better, your chance of catching covid probably goes down, you save a heap lot of money…
BTW, happy birthday for Friday
oh thank you everyone for your reply…I was weak this morning before I read these comments…thanks for your support !!
The band CAKE did a rendition of Guitar Man I love. I was so fortunate I stopped thinking about smoking after two weeks! I am also allergic so it made me sick, that could’ve helped. Other people have done it , so can you! You are a survivor to have made it to 59!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Hope you have a great day with lots of love and, of course, gifts. As for your smoking, don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Evidence shows that the more attempts you make in quitting smoking, the more likely you are to quit. Both my parents smoked, and both stopped, but it took a few go’s.
It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one on this forum who is over 50. I hope you have a great birthday, and I pray that you’ll be able to quit smoking.
Happy B’day!! Quitting smoking is difficult! My father quit cold turkey but it was hard. He smoked for 20 years. He could not breathe because of asthma-like problems so he quit.
ONE MORE DAY MY FRIEND ONE MORE DAY. Hi Dr Zen Here Jukebox partys are like a out door cconcert, with out rain. just stars and moon light and blue grass.
I turned 65 yesterday. I quit smoking in 2002. You can do it. I’m so glad I quit.
thank you…still quit…still scared…doing well…thank all of you…means a lot to me…