Never thought I would really stop smoking...well...I did!

yes, I’m on day 70 of stopping smoking…looks like I really got to stop this time…I tried for about two years trying to go cold turkey and always failed…I didn’t think nicotine gum would make a difference…I finally gave the gum a chance and I instantly felt like I could beat it finally…it seems a miracle that I could stop smoking really. @Jayster I’m just like you now !! a non smoker !!


Congratulations :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Well done jukebox, don’t let your guard down cigarettes are sneaky.

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way to go jukebox!!!

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Wow I vowed that I would stop smoking by the time that I have kids and I’m sticking by it. So at 29. Congrats to you though!! It feels impossible but you did it!!! :smiley:

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thank you everyone…!! I had a really bad craving a couple of days ago and it felt like I had just quit cold turkey or something…really strong…I went on my non smoking site and posted that I wanted to smoke and they talked me down…shew…it was almost evil how the craving hit it was so strong !!


All hail to the new master of those stinky cigs!

Good for you @jukebox 2 Sm000000000ch, Sm000000ches for you!

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thats quite the news! I am trying to kick the vapor.

I am glad to hear that you finally did it!


I think one thing at a time
first alcohol then in a couple months I could decide =)

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congrats on quitting


Congratulations!!! Keep up the good work!

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I stopped watching pr0n, 3+ months ago, when you stopped cigs.

we still got this.

congrats dude