Trying to make sense of it

So my recent episode… i went off meds about 2 months ago, but was already having some intrusive thoughts and nightmares about my trauma. It was manageable though. But over time my intrusive thoughts turned back into OCD behavior, i felt like i was stuck in the past again, and obsessing over my symptoms. Then two weeks ago i started having severe mood swings every day, at first it was in reactionnto my own obsessing, then it became more about psychotic symptoms. I was hallucinating a ton more than i ever have honestly. Then i got a “message” that i was dead and as much as i tried to ignore it, later that day i started believing it ans started dissociating, then went back on my meds the next day and was in and out of psychosis until tuesday. I just woke up feeling conpletely fine and have been fine since.


What prompted you to go off your meds?


I just wanted to try and see if i could do without since my stress levels are super low compared to thelast 4 years ago since im on disability and not living with an abusive partner


Glad your doing better

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