Trusting my gut

I wasn’t sure what area to post this is in. But when it comes to gut feelings, should I listen to them? There’s been plenty of times my intuition has been correct (at a least I think) but because of the illness, I’m not sure it I should listen to it so much. I don’t nessisarily mean bizarre delusions but more of my intuition for normal daily things. What do you guys think?

My nurse just told e to trust my gut when it came to decide how long I could go without my oxygen. So far, so good.

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Trust, but verify


Yeah true. I more so had in mind relationships. Like if I had a gut feeling friends didn’t like me or that something was up with my lady or that she did something and things like that

You could just ask them.

It was an example, maybe not the best one. I just more meant should I trust my gut feelings in my average day to day life when delusions are apart of the illness I have. Unfortunately I can’t really relate to needing to be on oxygen so I’m not sure if that’d help me with my question, you know what I mean?

It seems to me that when I’m having delusions, I’ve lost contact with my gut feelings already. I don’t know where they are.

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I agree, if the mind is delusional the gut is delusional too

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Gut works but not all the time. Try thinking logically. Have you heard of Socratic thinking?

No I haven’t. Give me a summary? And yeah idk sometimes my guts so spot on I think it might be mildly psychic. Or maybe I just believe in it that much? Idk sometimes they’re wrong. I forgot what I was in the middle of saying. Idk I’m having issues now so idk what to do or what to believe