Even if beings are soulless robots
or actors, it can’t be proved or disproved.
I remain the same.
I act the same nevertheless
I must stay sane
I must stay sane.
It’s my mantra haha
Who are you people?
Why everything seems fake?
I am real. I have been attracted to the internet since it came to my living room in 6th grade. I live here and I make my money here. Do we live in a matrix? I don’t know. Truman Show concept would simply be too expensive, so I think not. It is true that you are powerless to change it. Have fun with your life and accept this is what we’re working with.
I must accept things.
No need for overthinking.
It may be
It may not.
Who knows?
I wrote this on Facebook the other day:
"What’s the role of arts in this trumanomatrix?
What’s the role of good music, for example?
Who creates all this art? The directors? The programmers? Who?
Edit: who composed Bach’s music?"
I view life as the Kobiyashi Maru scenario and try to channel Kirk and reprogram the bugger.
Didn’t realize you were a Trekkie. But channeling the infamous captain is logic. What scenario can withstand the power of this face?
Obsession or delusion?
Or both?
Photography is my obsession. Thinking I’m the next Ansel Adams is a delusion.
I texted my psychiatrist and he said
“You know what to do”, meaning the
prn doses i already know that help.
I didn’t take more meds, i just slept
and woke up much better.
I don’t want more meds in my system
but if i have to, i will take more
I’m still polite and kind to others,
even if they are robots
Having trumanomatrix makes you forgive others easily. You don’t take things seriously
Just a thought-the film “The Truman Show” was given $80 million US dollars in (I believe) 1996. I have no idea how that would be calculated in todays money, but it must be so much more. At the end of filming in 1997 they were $20 million under budget, making the grand total of the film cost $60 million dollars. Filming in Seaside, FL saved them lots of money. Having only two very well known actors saved them lots of money (Jim Carrey and Ed Harris). Many of the town people, were actual residents that were thrilled to just be a part of the film. With the change in laws (having to pay those extras) and adjustments for inflation, the cost of just this film (not the concept) would easily be over a quarter billion dollars today. To make this happen today on the scale that it was presented in the film, not like the Japanize version where someone was isolated, would be a NASA level project. Impossible to hide and impossible to be without error. Truman’s media was extremely limited as well. Consisting of no internet and older programming. Adding those components would complicate this dynamic to a breaking point.
I know that delusions are not founded in logic, but I also know all these points are true. I wish I could apply some logic to the idea that we are in a simulation, but that would be like trying to prove or disprove a religion. It can’t be done. I can tell you I am a person with their own mind and reasoning. This is my logic and I know you likely will not accept it, but could be helpful.
I find the “trumanomatrix” a new and sort of brilliant term. You are clearly a thinking person and a person with creative tendencies. Do you write? Tortured souls have been known to make fortunes off their works. Even in a simulation, cash equals cash. You should be writing.
I used to be a good poet.
The last years I can’t write a word.
If we live in simulation,
extras and actors etc are made in computer
You know computer programs of that detail and extent are still expensive. I’ll give you that a lot of humans do seem like the same person over and over again but I assure you that is because they lack ambition and personality.
I have limited posts as a new user so I will close with this: Bringing alien technology into the equation takes away all the limiting factors. I imagine aliens care very little for a primitive planet on the brink of destroying itself. If it is a simulation, there must be a reason. Entertainment? Control? I’m not sure, but I do believe they would have to have an extremely serious investment they’re protecting to do this. We are simply not worth it.
I am worth it.
I feel like the center of the whole
Just a reminder, this category is for posting about delusions in a recovery context, not arguing in favour of them @Om_Sadasiva. Thanks for understanding.