Today programmers of this matrix have uploaded sunshine. It’s a beautiful day, but I am locked in a simulation
Since psychosis I consider summer sun to be unbearably dim, like an old lightbulb in old appartment in winter night.
Yes, I feel the same. Light bulb, artificial light in the studio of truman
I met someone on fb talking about the matrix theory. They do matrix meditations and therapy. I didn’t went further. I just trust the matrix mean it good.
They’re watching all the time. It makes me anxious
Matrix therapy? What is this? Could you elaborate?
No, i can’t. That was all very briefly and what i remember. I just like to tell you its common not only sz. Did you do internet research. I believe on Ted talk is something related.
The way it affects me is definitely sz.
We are definitely mistakes in the factory. Different from what is usually on the conveyer belt. Try not to loose your humour over it.
…or we are a wanted outcome from the laboratory. Definitely entertaining and interesting.
Maybe we go into serieproduction, cause they are more and more sz.
What is this?
Like cars. Cars get engineered and designed. When the prototype is satisfying it goes into mass production.
Creation took seven days, and on the eights day god started to copy.
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