truman and matrix.
With a button the sun shines,
the clouds dance in the sky, the night falls.
Everything is in a computer simulation, and everyone is a SIM and I am the only original person. Maybe I am a SIM too.
My formula/mantra “khordagon, plimirti, sanaua” makes me get out of the matrix.
Music has hints about the unreality of world and self. It contains secrets that are deciphered by a smart brain.
I often wonder how much of the Matrix/truman show would be relevant if those shows weren’t so noticeable. It’s no surprise to me. Media affects our experience tremendously. From infancy on and sz usually makes that all that much more confusing.
I like life. We all live with restrictions and such from culture, language and other concerns but I know it’s not a simulation. Nothing this strange would be artificial.
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What about coincidences?
Are they glitches?
Are they hints by the directors of the show?
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Is it a documentary about the life of a poor schizophrenic?
This is persecutory and grandiose too