Not feeling good at all.
I donated a can of tomato soup to the local Food Bank. I thought a billionaire was going to buy that can for millions of dollars, and millions of women and children would be fed and clothed.
After I donated the can I went back to my car…cranked the Radio up…it was playing Feed the World. I stood on up on the car…raised my fist to the satellite cameras in the sky and yelled out,…
I get them often too, they suck
I’ve never experience anything like this. I was completely convinced. I’ve never bit on a delusion like that before.
Just try to co.e back to the reality that you are safe … nothing is really happening
When I was younger, like pre-14, I would fantasize about being in my own show and everyone laughing at me and with me.
I guess the only other similar situation is when I get super disoriented, and feel like I’m in a show or something.
I get them all the time. I feel like there’s a microchip in my brain that broadcasts my thoughts to the internet.
I read that matrix delusion is related to truman show. I used to believe I lived in a simulation or matrix. I still think about it, but can reject it now.
I used to be an atheist. When I started believing in God, I believed the computer simulator or computer programmer created everything. It’s pretty silly now, but it caused anxiety and panic attacks just existing.
It was a thought disorder and my thoughts felt real or true to me. It doesn’t help to have repetitive or racing thoughts and delusions.
I’ve had something like Truman Syndrome for at least part of the day for, like, 15 years.
I always think I am being bullied.
Same thing for me. I think it’s just a mix of being thin skinned in general and having sz.
Truman or matrix delusions, I kind got out of it. It’s due to stress and disturbed sleep. Like in a simulation where all moves are in sync with the environment. I kind of think it’s normal. Glad when my medications are reduced and life gets back into normality. I love Matrix and trumandelusion. It’s awesome. I am not complaining.
Hey dude how’s it going? I couldn’t find your tag a while ago. How you doing these days? Still playing the sax?
It’s scary for me lol
The Truman Syndrome makes me angry quite often. I like privacy.
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