I’m having trouble finding food appetizing, my pdoc said maybe a change in depakote will help me. She said in the middle of the day when I take it that I might lose my appetite so to take it at night. I didn’t take it today because I have to wait till night like the pdoc said. I don’t know why but I like fluids and sometimes they are even too filling. I just have a hate relationship with food.
I have lost about 20 lbs in the last 3 or 4 months because i have been eating less. I just don’t have much motivation to eat. I also don’t really enjoy it all that much. It just seems like something i have to do, that’s all. I eat enough, though. I’m in no danger. It just hasn’t been appealing to me.
I’m on depakote and it sometimes makes my stomach feel messed up, we had to lower my dose from 1250 to 1000 because of it. I don’t get nauseous on the lower dose, but it does turn me off of food a little. I don’t mind because it keeps me from overeating (I used to weigh 12 pounds more because I was on an AP that settled my stomach and made me hungry all the time). It’s at a good level right now. At 1250 I was vomiting some mornings.
You are the opposite of most of us, we eat too much, at least me, I’m overweight because of it and meds,
Try to eat delicious foods, maybe they tempt you,
I do like juices, they don’t bother me. So I try to get the juice smoothie drinks or the yogurt smoothies. My bf forces me to eat. He made me canned soup last night. I enjoyed the broth mostly
When i was in the ward and refused to eat for a long time, i lost a lot of weight. They made me drink special nutritional “medical” drinks for people in such situations to strengthen them. If it gets really bad, cant your doc prescribe something like that? Or isnt it that bad?
If I start losing a lot of weight, I will drink those shakes because right now I’ve been taking like 4 diff vitamins to try to keep up with the nutrition
This is very good, but you need carbohydrate and protein too, don’t you like noodles?
If you can eat some noodles a day and one hamburger a week then you are in a good condition of eating, then you can focus on other things,
Oh my gosh I struggle with the SAME thing. I went 48 hours without eating this week until my mom forced me to eat (in a nice way lol). But seriously it is sooo hard. I don’t take any pleasure in eating, and I just don’t want to/don’t like doing it. Especially when I’m not doing well. I get distracted by my thoughts and all of sudden it’s the end of the day and I didn’t eat.
Sunflower seeds are good for protein like veggie burgers , you can eat eggs white too but nothing is like red meat, try to eat red meat once a week however,
Maybe invega doesn’t increase the appetite, I take 100mg clozapine and it causes me to eat like a cow,