Trigger - This may offend

My names Roger. And ive been schizophrenic for 30 years. Tho misdiagnosed - and only medicated properly for 4 years. And ive been feeling bloody well ill lately - and its been annoying me cos i do my best to self anaylse - and “psychology” my way out of a bad head. And i havent been able too.

Im completely pissed off with the fact i wasnt diagnosed sooner.
I was off my damn rocker for years without treatment and ended up gaining a substance misuse problem as a really bad coping mechanism.

And i reckon i would still be with my wife and my girl - if i wasnt unstable at the time. And thats broken my heart forever.

Well - i promised to give up weed. But ive given in today to some. Im losing wieght - and i need it for appetite. And i really need a good mad laugh on my own.

(VENT OVER) Sorry :frowning: x

EDIT: Last name removed by Moderator.


I’d edit out the first sentence. This is an anonymous forum.

I hope you feel better


30 years? Why didn’t you seek treatment sooner?

What did the flower child say out on her date,
I really need to get piece.

When did the atheist man tell the children to shut up,
when they were hearing a voice from God.

What did the young girl say to her father upon drinking beer,
but where are the bees buzz, dad?

The young boy wear’s high tops, thinks he can jump from anywhere,
what does his sister say, but you have a flat expression.

He was saying that he did seek treatment. He was just repeatedly misdiagnosed

Keep laughing and take care of yourself. If you keep taking care of yourself maybe you can get some of your life back. It can’t completely go back to the way it was before you were ill but you can be happy again. I never thought I would find hope and have a good future but then I got my life straightened out and found the right things that worked for me and now I’m very happy. Of course I have my ups and downs, but it’s okay. Take care of yourself and keep smiling and have hope.

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Im really sorry everyone- im a bit messed up. Just realised im not well enough to go out the door yet. Im having a “moment”. I will be fine - frankly gonna take a smoke and my night meds. My rational mind is telling me to bugger off to bed. Rog x

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No reason to be sorry, man. We all struggle in some way here. That’s why this place exists. I am sorry you’ve had such a tough road in life. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot. I hope things will go better for you from this point on. Hang in there and don’t give up on yourself. And feel free to vent here anytime. Take care.


Thank you that means alot. Had an hours sleep and upped my dose (im allowed) so feel a bit more with it. I really wish my married woman would come over. Im lonely. :frowning:

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