Gang… Is Alchohol bad for schizophrenia?
Yes the hangovers are worse
Mixing alcohol with the med’s we take isn’t smart, but I don’t think moderate drinking hurts a schizophrenics mind. If a person drinks alcoholically, yes, that probably will affect his or her mental stability. Alcoholics drink insanely, though. I used to start drinking beer in the morning, and before the day was over I had drank over thirty beers.
I try to avoid alcohol. I drink beer without alcohol
I quit drinking as soon as I had my first psychotic episode so I wouldn’t know
My alcohol intake is spread out… mostly from new years to new years. Its usually 3 beers… i might drink a few sprinkled here and there… i was never very excited about alcohol and the med interaction is no fun… idk not my cup of tea i guess.
Avoid it like the plague. It interferes with meds. Alcohol in the brain binds to the same receptor sites that need to be open in order for our meds to bind to them and do their jobs… I have the misfortune of having a dual diagnosis of sz and alcoholism. But the sz is the bigger problem, so if I want a shot at being psychosis-free, then I must avoid alcohol at all costs. That would be my advice to anyone else.
I swear. When I am under the influence of alcohol, I suffer less from psychosis. But the next day I’m the dick. Then I suffer from fear.
It’s different for everybody. But from my perspective, any CNS depressant is bad for you if you abuse it. I think in moderate levels is okay, although I’m against this.
I quit drinking because I got abuse problems related to it. My father is also an alcoholic which does not help. I’m sure moderate drinking is fine but it also messes with medication, so I wouldn’t recommend it.
Weed makes it worse for me.
It’s like throwing petrol into a fire
Yep any weed or pschadelic makes it so much worse
when I quit weed i had my first psychotic episode and everybody told me I behave strangely after i quit.
I have been reading posts on here for over a year and I don’t think I’ve read any negative alcohol related effects on sz. Some people are addicted to it though…
However, I have read a lot of negative study’s on pot effects on sz.
Probably best to stay sober.
Alcohol has been known to bring out my sza.
If at all…only in moderation. I admit to bias as I prefer ‘uppers’ to ‘downers.’
Prolonged use of alcohol can cause a disorder called Korsakoff syndrome. This has symptoms very similar to schizophrenia. Additionally, the sedative effects of alcohol can be worsened by many psychiatric medications which can be life threatening.
While a little a day (a glass of wine or a beer or one shot of liquor) may be OK or even healthy, repeated binges of 5 or more a day, more than a few times a month or regular use of 2 or 3 or more per day can have negative health and psychiatric consequences. Everyone is a little different, and whether it is OK or not may depend on medicines one takes or how it affects you.
Drinking is only considered a problem when it starts to adversely affect a person’s personal or professional life, or when the person loses control over his or her drinking.
I quit drinking it doesn’t mix well with my meds
In the past (2010) alcohol triggered my second major psychotic break. After that I drank once in a while and it really made me depressed the day after. After I had let go of the past I have no trouble with alcohol anymore, in fact I “self-medicate” with alcohol. I’ve been an alcoholic for 6 months, out of the blue I quit drinking every day. Now I only drink in the weekends (4 days sober 3 days alcoholic ) and it really helps to combat some major symptoms.
Consuming alcohol can make me depressed and anxious.
Haven’t had a drink in decades.
Stay away from booze.
Psychedelics are very bad if you have sz. LSD+weed ultimately triggered my first psychotic episode.