Today was the best day of my life so far

Woke up to a call from Iop rescheduling my intake to tomorrow…was happy about that. Went to lunch with my friend had Mexican food. Came home, showered and changed. Went back out went to Barnes and noble bought Eric claptons new cd for my dad and a book and box of Godiva chocolate for my mom. Drove to the pet store bought my cat new toys for Xmas gift. Went next door, bought my dad a bob Gibson rookie card for $70! But he gave me $15 off and was real nice. Went home wrapped the gifts and put them under the tree. Went to the pharmacy bought prescriptions and soaps for my mom. Some lady said to me “you’re such a good son! Will you teach my nephews how to be such a good son??” I said “it takes time to get there” and she goes “awww”. Went home wrapped the present and ate. Went out with my friend, gave him his gift. went to a cigar lounge and smoked a cigar while watching college basketball with my friend. So relaxing. Then came home and ate a cookie. Damn ice cube you were right, it was a good day… felt good because I was unselfish and bought good gifts for people.


Have you read about Lady Gaga confessing that she suffers from PTSD? She said something like ’ I have mental illness and I find it helps me to be kind’. Than she visited a center for homeless lgbt people.

Good job @chew (:


Damn, that does sound like a good day! I just sat on my arse and loved on my animals lol. Come to think of it, that’s a pretty good day, too.


Yep, sounds like you seized the day and thoroughly enjoyed yourself.

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Looks like we’ve found Santa Claus, everyone! :smiley:


Sounds like an awesome day

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People like you Jon

I hope it helps

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Giving always feels good

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