My autistic daughter spotted and pointed out a pretty halo rainbow around the sun earlier. It really lifted my spirits. What happy thing did you experience today?
My 10th day without tobacco.
Awesome!! Be proud of yourself!
I had groceries delivered today and the woman delivering them complimented my house/neighborhood.
It was very nice of her.
Also, I have groceries now.
I should do that since I can’t get out much. It would be very awesome.
Thank you, I am, just wish the headaches would go away.
I can understand that. Good job though!
For a moment I thought this was a Ren and Stimpy reference. But for me. I have wheels again. Needs a tune-up no doubt but it’ll be okay. Cheers!
It’s nice to have a car.
For me it’s freedom.
Seeing my adult daughter whom I haven’t seen in a long time
Someone complimented my tattoo
I was getting along well with my supervisor today. I’m struggling and we aren’t too fond of each other but we find a middle ground and we just have some friendly light hearted conversations, nothing heavy or serious. I actually feel bad for her, she has problems and lots of times she does not look happy andf she’s told me things that make me realize she is really struggling and it’s a shame because she’s only in her twenties and should not have what ever burden she’s carrying around with her.
My dad had his last radiation treatment today. He had head and neck cancer but hopefully they got it all. He had is last chemo treatment on Monday. We are all very relieved.
I read about thirty pages of a book I bought a long time ago.
Going out to look at my plants that have flowers this year.
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