I went to the park with a friend
And we had a good heart to heart
I found a way to be able to be more open with them, and it feels good to be able to.
It’s really hot it’s helping keep my spirits up
How is your day going and how are you feeling?
I went to the park with a friend
And we had a good heart to heart
I found a way to be able to be more open with them, and it feels good to be able to.
It’s really hot it’s helping keep my spirits up
How is your day going and how are you feeling?
oh that sounds like a nice outing with your friend =)
my day is going ok, it’s sunday that is bath day for me… so i took a bath after i finished watching star trek 8 with dad.
I’m feeling ok… how are you feeling @Zoe ?
That’s nice that you watch things with your dad.
Yea I feel okay, not over the moon though lol.
My mind has been preoccupied with something that is not been resolved yet so I’m trying to stay mindful and accepting and hopeful.
But I’m definitely okay
Thankyou for asking me
soon you have something to do for a job you want huh? I hope you will be able to get this job =)
Thankyou that’s true!!!
I would love to get this job.
I hope I click with the team!!!
How are your walks going with the new walker person?
it’s going pretty well. i see him once a month. He is really nice… and he also likes music so we talk about music a lot.
Yea that’s good you have something in common. Must make the walking more enjoyable.
yea we talk about small things… and he keeps an eye if everything keeps going ok. But it’s nice walking… next time he comes is the 3rd of august.
Thursday i got appointment with the pdoc… bit nervous about that.
I’m glad you had a good day/talk with your friend. I’m anxious about getting a job. I guess I’m nervous about the 8 year gap in employment. 8 years is a long time to be out of work. And I’m not young anymore.
what job you trying to get @Leaf ?
i hope you will get it!
I’ve applied for my last two jobs back. Eligibility Specialist at Social Services and Cage Cashier at the Casino. I’m hoping one of those jobs will take me back.
Your post reminded me of this song @Zoe. Glad you’re having a good day.
Hey that’s awesome you got out today!
I just got home from running around with my mom. We went to Wal-Mart and the grocery store.
I picked up an Ice Cube shirt at Wal-Mart.
I felt like everyone was staring at me at the grocery store. Probably didn’t help that I was wearing my Texas Chainsaw Massacre shirt haha!
why are you nervous about it?
yea that is a long time…,
do you think that you could cope with ‘easier’ types of jobs…if the other one doesn’t work out? because some jobs are not as picky and if they see you are enthusiastic and hardworking that is what they care about
never heard of this song but good to know lol
thanks @anon1517417
I hope you are having a good day too
Nice, glad you had a good day with your friend🙂
My day has been okay… it is only 9:50am here.
Need to go to Target to return something and finish packing for our road trip.
sounds like a good day, getting out and about
btw what is an ice cube shirt
not sure if we have that expression in the uk